Ann Salman


Boon Parts

Branding | Motion Design

Collaborators: Estudio Interlínea

I spent the Summer of 2021 interning for my 3rd year professor, Alberto Rigau and his studio, Estudio Interlínea, based in Puerto Rico. I worked on several different projects enhancing designs and completing tasks. A car part supply company came to Estudio Interlínea for a brand redesign and I was asked to help design logo ideas. The BoonParts representatives loved a certain sports car race and wanted this feeling of speed to be conveyed.


Above are my first designs using different configurations of “B” and “P,” along with an experimentation of how the logo can be used. Estudio Interlínea presented two other logo designs along with mine and the client decided to move forward with my design with a few adjustments.


Banner Animation

After this final design developed by the design team at Estudio Interlínea, I was asked to create motion graphics as an addition to the brand. It was difficult trying to convey speed while avoiding the cliche raceway idea, so I opted to show some of the types of products BoonParts sells.