Queso Lucía
Branding | User Experience | Motion Design
Collaborators: Karuna Gangwani, Lindsay Caslin, Kailyn Byers, and Elizabeth Chen
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva, Keynote

Our first presentation looked at the current logo and typeface and the current packaging and proposed some changes for more consistent visuals that better suited the values Queso Lucía wanted to convey. Below are some of our early explorations of type and mascot. Drag the images to view them all.

We wanted Lucía the goat to become a mascot with different poses and emotions, but we struggled to avoid making Lucía look like a deer while capturing the cuteness of the actual goats. So, we decided to go back to the original design with just a few adjustments and building the brand off the current one. But, we also proposed separate goat and brand direction to show the clients how far Queso Lucía could go Below is our first refined proposal.
Design 1

Design 2

Our clients were very pleased with our designs and our consideration of the quesería elements, but they preferred that we stay closer to the original mascot. They, however, LOVED the new packaging design, the consistent use of arches, and how the type was more elegant yet kept the integrity of the original. With a couple of adjustments, we were set to further develop the brand and flesh out the farm designs that were most likely to be implemented. Below are the brand guidelines and final designs.
Final Design
Visual Language

Physical Presence

Digital Presence
