Motion Design | Presentation Design | Layout DesignSchedule
With Alberto Rigau’s (DEC Co-Chair) mentorship, I assisted with the schedule design and organization of the presentation slides. Below are images of the final schedule design.

Alberto asked if I could use the existing brand to create virtual badges for “instagramable” moments for guests to post, as well as zoom backgrounds. He provided a mockup for the badges with which I could edit and design for speakers, moderators, staff, and volunteers to post on social media. Below are the final designs.

Zoom Backgrounds

As my final task, I was to create motion design videos to act as bumpers for recorded zoom calls from the summit that would be uploaded to YouTube. I used audio files provided by Alberto Rigau to dictate the language of the animation.
This was my favorite assignment for the Virtual Summit because I felt immense accomplishment from syncing the audio with the motion and accurately capturing the fun mood of the bright brand elements and quirky typography. Below are the final animations in a square format uploaded to YouTube.